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OCAD University

Master of Fine Arts - Interdisciplinary Art, Media & Design

Toronto, Ontario, Canada




Emily Carr University of Art + Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Film, Video & Integrated Media

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 




The College of The Bahamas

Associate of Arts - Fine Art

Nassau, The Bahamas




Public Collections


Art Institute of Chicago | Chicago, IL


Brooklyn Museum | New York, NY


Central Bank of The Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas


Harper House | Detroit, MI


Indianapolis Museum of Art Galleries at Newfields | Indianapolis, IN


Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art | Kansas City, MO


Minneapolis Institute of Art | Minneapolis, MN


MSU Broad Art Museum | East Lansing, MI


Museum of The Fine Arts - St. Petersburg, FL


Museum of The Fine Arts Boston - Boston, MA


National Gallery of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas 


National Gallery of Canada | Ottawa, ON, Canada 


Peabody Essex Museum - Salem, MA


RBC Art Collection | Toronto, ON, Canada


Speed Art Museum | Louisville, KY


The Baha Mar Collection | Nassau, The Bahamas


Weisman Art Museum - Minneapolis, MN




Solo Exhibitions​




Gio Swaby: Fresh Up - Peabody Essex Museum | Salem, MA


I Will Blossom Anyway - Claire Oliver Gallery | New York, NY


Gio Swaby: Fresh Up - Art Institute of Chicago | Chicago, IL




Gio Swaby: Fresh Up - Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg | Tampa, FL




Both Sides of The Sun - Claire Oliver Gallery | New York, NY




Rooted: An Exploration of Blackness and Womanhood - The Current | Nassau, The Bahamas




We All Know Each Other - Unitt/Pitt Projects | Vancouver, BC




Selected Group Exhibitions​




Art Toronto - Metro Toronto Convention Center | Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The Experience of Expression - Weisman Art Museum | Minneapolis, MN


Shared Vision: Portraits from the CCH Pounder-Koné Collection - African American Museum in Philadelphia | Philadelphia, PA


Domestic Idols - Minneapolis Institute of Art | Minneapolis, MN


Crosscurrents - Speed Art Museum | Louisville, KY


Thread: Making Patterns - Kemper Museum | Kansas City, MO


Fabric of a Nation - Cummer Museum | Jacksonville, FL




Daughter/ Mother/ Ancestor: Threads of Connection - Indianapolis Museum of Art Galleries at Newfields | Indianapolis, IN


Fabric of a Nation - Skirball Cultural Center | Los Angeles, CA


EXPO Chicago - Navy Pier | Chicago, IL




Loop Overtown -Miami’s Overtown District​ | Miami, Fl


NE: Ten - Mercy - National Art Gallery of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas


EXPO Chicago - Navy Pier | Chicago, IL




Untitled Art Fair - Miami Beach | Miami Beach, FL


Fabric of A Nation - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | Boston, MA


1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair - Somerset House | London, UK


Rituals of Resilience - Minneapolis Institute of Art | Minneapolis, MN




Four Now - Claire Oliver Gallery | New York, NY


1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair - Hosted by Christie’s | Online






Transforming Spaces – The D’Auguilar Art Foundation | Nassau, The Bahamas




Die Textile: Stoffsuche - Kunsthaus Alte Mühle | Schmallenberg, Germany


35th Annual Art Competition - Central Bank of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas


Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series (Vancouver Finals) - Gallery Jones | Vancouver, BC


Going Out Clothes - Cheeky Proletariat | Vancouver, BC




Übersee: Cuba and The Bahamas - Halle 14 | Leipzip, Germany




National Exhibition 8 – National Art Gallery of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas


The Show: Graduate Exhibition - Emily Carr University of Art & Design | Vancouver, BC




Nassau Calling – HilgerBROTKunsthalle | Vienna, Austria


Black Girl in Unnatural Habitat - Abraham Rogatnick Gallery | Vancouver, BC


32nd Annual Art Competition - Central Bank of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas


Map of the New Art - Giorgio Cini Foundation | Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice​​




National Exhibition 7 – National Art Gallery of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas​​




Intersect: Junior Residency Artists' Exhibition -  Popopstudios ICVA | Nassau, The Bahamas


Celebrating 40 Years of Bahamian Independence - Bahamian Embassy | Beijing, China


SINGLESEX - National Art Gallery of The Bahamas | Nassau, The Bahamas




Awards and Distinctions




Canada Council for the Arts - Explore and Create: Research & Creation Grant




Canada Council for the Arts - Explore and Create: Concept to Realization Grant




Canada Council for the Arts - Arts Abroad: Travel Grant


Ontario Graduate Scholarship




Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - Canada Graduate Scholarship


BC Arts Council - Scholarship


OCAD University - Dean’s Scholarship


Charitable Arts Foundation - Tuition Grant


BC Arts Council - Project Assistance for Visual Artists




Emily Carr University - President’s Media Award for Best Art Installation




Emily Carr University of Art & Design - Scholarship




Ministry of Education of The Bahamas - Tuition Grant


Popopstudios International Center for the Visual Arts - Junior Artist Residency Prize

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